5 Ways to Extend Your iPhone's Battery Life

Whether you're planning to go on a long drive or are about to embark on an important business trip, you'll want to be sure your iPhone's battery can last the entire day without needing to be recharged. With these five simple ways to extend your iPhone's battery life, you won't have to worry about running out of juice before your trip ends or getting stuck in traffic with an empty phone. Best of all, these methods will ensure that you always have enough power left when you need it most.

Turn off Location Services

We all know how frustrating it is when our battery dies at the most inopportune times. And while there are a lot of factors that contribute to this, one of the biggest culprits is Location Services. By turning off Location Services, you can save a significant amount of battery life. Here's how -Open your Settings app and go to Privacy > Location Services > turn the slider switch next to Location Services OFF 

-To check if it worked, go back into your Settings app and tap on Battery. You should see a decrease in usage since disabling location services 

-If you need location services for other apps like Google Maps or Pokemon Go, then consider enabling them only when needed. Otherwise they will run background processes even if you're not using them.

Avoid Streaming Video

1. One of the biggest battery drains on your iPhone is video streaming. If you want to conserve your battery, avoid watching videos or movies on your phone. 

2. Instead of streaming, download any videos you want to watch ahead of time so you can view them offline. This will save you both data and battery life. 

3. Another way to conserve battery power is to adjust your screen brightness. 

4. You can also disable unnecessary features, like GPS and Bluetooth, when you don't need them. 

5. Finally, one of the simplest ways to extend your battery life is to simply turn your phone off when you're not using it.

Reduce Brightness Level

If you want your battery to last as long as possible, you should get in the habit of reducing your brightness level. To do this, simply open up your Settings app and navigate to Display & Brightness. Then, drag the slider to the left until you find a comfortable middle ground. You may have to experiment a bit to find the perfect brightness level for you, but it'll be worth it in the long run. Plus, you can always turn up the brightness when you need it.

Close Unused Apps

When you're not using an app, it's still running in the background and using up your battery. So make sure to close any apps that you're not currently using. Then, swipe up on each app preview panel to close it. If you have a lot of apps open at once, consider closing them one by one. That way you'll know what caused the battery to drain when it dies later. Disable Push: If your email or social media account sends push notifications, then those will drain your battery even if they're sitting idle in the background. Go into Settings > Notification Center > iphone alerts > and disable push notifications for any apps that send them such as Gmail or Facebook. Consider switching these off when they aren't necessary too as a precaution. Turn Off WiFi: When WiFi is enabled, your phone constantly searches for a signal and drains its battery more quickly than usual.

Turn Off Background App Refresh

One of the biggest battery drains on your iPhone is Background App Refresh. This feature allows apps to update their content in the background, so that when you open them, they're already up-to-date. But this also means that your apps are constantly using power, even when you're not using them. To turn off Background App Refresh:

2. You'll see a list of all the apps that are able to refresh in the background.

3. To turn off Background App Refresh for an app, simply toggle the switch next to it to the Off position.

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