Steve Wozniak Proclaims Tesla Will Be the Next Tech Giant

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak isn’t letting his status as Apple’s former chief technology officer dissuade him from jumping onto the Tesla bandwagon. In an interview with Bloomberg, Wozniak said that Tesla CEO Elon Musk was a great inventor, and that he expected Musk to be the next leader in technological innovations. Tesla shareholders have responded positively to this news, with shares of the company jumping by three percent yesterday after news of Wozniak’s comments broke (via Time).

Wozniak calls Tesla's vision 'magical'

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has been a longtime fan of Tesla, and he thinks the company is poised to make some major waves in the tech world. In a recent interview, Wozniak called Tesla's vision magical and said that he thinks the company is on the cusp of something big. He also praised Tesla's work in self-driving cars and renewable energy, two areas that he thinks will be crucial in the coming years. It's clear that Wozniak is bullish on Tesla, and his endorsement could help give the company a boost as it looks to become a major player in the tech industry.

Which tech giant will be next?

Tesla has been making waves in the tech industry for years now. They've disrupted the status quo and proved that electric cars can be viable options. And with Elon Musk at the helm, they show no signs of slowing down. Recently, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak proclaimed that Tesla will be the next big tech giant. He believes that Tesla has what it takes to change the world and that they're just getting started. With such a strong endorsement, it's hard to deny that Tesla is on track to becoming the next big thing.

Electric cars change mobility

For a long time, the internal combustion engine has been the gold standard for car propulsion. But with advances in electric vehicle technology, that is starting to change. Electric cars are more efficient than gas cars, and they produce zero emissions. And as battery technology continues to improve, electric cars are only going to get better.

Future electric car trends

In an interview with Bloomberg, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, stated that he believes Tesla will be the next big tech giant. He said that Tesla is doing for cars what Apple did for phones. When asked about self-driving cars, Wozniak said that he is a fan of the technology and thinks it will eventually become the norm. He also believes that electric cars are the future and that we will see more and more of them on the road.

Autonomous vehicles

In an interview with Bloomberg, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said he believes Tesla will be the company to make major advancements in autonomous vehicles.

Riding in self-driving cars

Tesla's self-driving cars are the future of transportation. They are safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. With Tesla's technology, we can finally get rid of traffic jams and road rage. Not to mention, self-driving cars will free up our time so we can do other things while we're on the road. Steve Wozniak is a smart man, and I trust his judgement. Tesla is going to be the next big thing in tech.

Important advice from a tech innovator

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has some interesting thoughts on the next big tech giant. He believes it will be Tesla. I think Tesla is on the lead of reinventing transportation, Wozniak said in an interview. They're thinking of things that other companies aren't. And he's not alone in this belief. Many experts see Tesla as a company on the cutting edge of technology. While they may not have Apple's marketing budget, they are quickly making a name for themselves in the tech world.

How will you invest in this new technology?

I believe that Tesla will be the next big thing in technology. They are doing something that no other company is doing and they are doing it well. I am going to invest in Tesla by buying their stock and by also investing in their products. I think that their products will change the way we live and they will make a huge impact on the world.

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